Tourisme Memphrémagog works hard to combine resources to attract the most visitors to our beautiful region. By coming together, we avoid working in silos and we are necessarily stronger! More financial resources, more credibility and more results. Have more visibility by becoming a member!
By becoming a member, you get a lot of visibility. We will see you in:
The communication tools at the Tourist Information Office of Memphrémagog (BIT)
The Tourisme Memphrémagog annual tourist guide
Our website and our tools to guide visitors (guides and maps)
Our social media posts (Facebook and Instagram)
Our monthly newsletter and promotional campaigns
Our events (launch of the tourist season, thematic days, etc.)
In addition to all this, we are committed to talking about you at our Tourist Information Office (via our information agents), in our responses to journalists, bloggers and others and during our various meetings and briefings!